How to be successful in life in a particular field in Nepal in any field?

How to be successful in life in a particular field in Nepal?

NEPAL is a developing country. so it's very difficult to be a successful person in Nepal. because in Nepal new products are less valuable and hard to accept by societies. but in Nepal competition is very low in new. So in the unique field, there is a very high chance to be a successful person in another way, but in Nepal for a need to trust. but the thing is you have to be unstoppable. 

kept things aside for right now. we are talking about how to be successful in Nepal so here's a key point to get success in any field. 

so let start

"I had always felt life
          first as a story:
and if there is a story,
  there is a storyteller."
         -g.k Chesterton

we are, 
           creation, life, and beauty
                           undone by death and wrongdoing
regained by god's surprising victory

1. Make your intention always positive

Positive thinking is a powerful and spiritual thing. it makes your attitude stable and no matter your failure it gives you always a good vibe. positive people are confident and they believe that they overcome any obstacles in their life and their confidence where works. or difficulty might they face and it takes nears of success. 

2.make your target a mission.

no matter what makes your target always visible, don't let it disappear sometimes come difficult situation but you have to face if you want to be successful those who are successful know they are also poor and they have to make their life better by themselves and you have to also do that many people leave their ambition because of not having better opportunities. opportunities never come you have to make it and join every past, present, and coming future at good prediction you just have to let your brain that what I am doing now affects the future on what glorious purpose.

3.make your simple victory a surprise.

don't let victory rest of you no matter how your victory is, let your victory just like its a beginning and like Wiseman said it you rest you rust don't let your victory rest make you rest just you have to target your ambition and many people dream and achieve their ambition but they rest after reaching there and end their life like normal person success person are those who never rest and sleep. day success come homes

you have to live your life making one day I will reach there and make it happen what I need no matter what, don't let your sorrow make discomfort your success and just keep saying one day I gonna be somebody who I want to be and when you wake up every day if you live in the morning just say or am I going to make it up or live my life for one day that is today forget past and coming future no matter what success comes homes at last.

5.what now?

some times you feel like you never going to make it and sometimes you feel you can but in those moments sometimes you forget your track and every day you have to thinks about what nows and what to do.
6.immerse yourself in the skills

you never have to thinks past and present, you just have to make your future fantasy real and always make your vision of your life for a better future and predict very possibilities of your future and predict problem-solving product for the future and do make it you have to improve and learn skills, skills is important than education cuz some people not having education have a better life because of their skills. make your mind today I am going to learn some things.

7.commit your work to your ambition 

take your action in just a 5 sec no matter how you do action by writing or taking physical exercise or making mindset, those who never take action immediately never take action they are always waiting for tomorrow and tomorrow never come make a habit to take action immediately or never going to happen what you think for your future some people stop working because of not having resources you have to work whatever you have.

8.Be Good

And by that, I mean damn good. Successful people strive for greatness, not mediocrity. So push yourself (and your team) to confirm that you’ve reached your ultimate potential. And make sure to celebrate your wins, that not only breeds confidence among your team, it'll keep your colleagues engaged and also will keep your clients or customers enfranchised. If you haven’t read the book From Good to Great, grab a duplicate.

9.Push the bounds

Don’t constrain yourself to think within the box and don’t allow fear to induce in your way. Today, people expect quite ordinary so you wish to be extraordinary to urge noticed and build strong relationships along with your target market. Whether you sell a product or service, you want to deliver the utmost experience.

10.Be Persistent.

Business development and entrepreneurship should be built out of love—and any great love requires passion and persistence to capture your dream. Although you'll experience setbacks and failures, you'll also find success and triumph.

                    *BEST OF LUCK*

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